- All cylinders should be considered and treated as full, regardless of their content.
- Keep cylinders away from artificial heat sources (eg. flames or heaters).
- Do not store cylinders near combustible materials or flammable liquids.
- Keep flammable gases away from sources of ignition.
- Keep cylinders in well drained areas, out of water pools or ponds.
- The storage area should be kept well ventilated and clean at all times. Ideally do not store in confined spaces.
- Avoid below ground storage, where possible. Where impractical, consider enclosed space risks.
- There should be good access to the storage area for delivery vehicles. The ground surface should be reasonably level and firm (preferably concrete).
- Storage area should be designed to prevent unauthorised entry, to protect untrained people from hazards and guard cylinders from theft.
- Different types of gases must be stored separately, in accordance with State Dangerous Goods legislation. Also refer to AS4332 (The Storage and Handling of Gases in Cylinders).
- Stores must clearly show signage in accordance with state Dangerous Goods regulations. This includes Class Diamonds; HAZCHEM; no smoking and naked flame warning signs.
- Full and empty cylinders should be kept separate.
- Toxic and corrosive gases should be stored separately from all other gases.
- Liquefied flammable cylinders must be stored upright on a firm, level floor (ideally concrete). This is also preferable for most other gas cylinders.
- Store cylinders away from heavy traffic and emergency exits.
- Rotate stock of full cylinders, and use cylinders on a 'first in, first out' basis.
- Never repaint or obscure cylinder label, even if cylinder is rusty, dirty or damaged. This can result in unsafe situations.
- Never apply any unauthorised labels markings to cylinders, unless advised by BOC to identify faulty cylinders.
- Avoid storing cylinders below 0ºC. Some mixtures may separate below this.
- Regularly check for leaks and faults.
- Keep oil and grease away from cylinders and valves.
- Never use force when opening or closing valves.